Chiriboga did not attend the Oversight Commission
The attorney general, Galo Chiriboga was cited today to appear before the Oversight Commission of the National Assembly to give his statements regarding the “chats” he had with the former president of the Central Bank, Pedro Delgado, but he justified his absence because he had to work on the Filanbanco’s case.
Given the disclosure of the messages exchanged with Delgado he claimed he had no relationship with the owners of Empagran (Baler Granmar Group SA,) a company that figured among those which kept debts with Filanbanco when became owned by the State. This would have been one of the issues discussed through the messages between Delgado and Chiriboga.
Chiriboga accepted that the conversations were real, but requested a review of them. “Do not let yourselves carried away by the information and interpretation made by the defense lawyer” he mentioned.
While in Guayaquil, Assembly member Bucaram Pulley, seeks answers of the alleged relationship and connection between Galo Chiriboga and Empagram, so he has asked for a deposition of the company manager.