Claro will return $ 2’429 .779 to users by “errors in certain promotions”
The Ecuadorian Consortium for Telecommunications Corporation (Conecel S.A. for its Spanish acronym), which manages the comercial trademark Claro, will have to pay back $ 2’429 .779 to thousands of users “by errors in some promotions,” reported yesterday Fabián Jaramillo, Head of the Superintendency of Telecommunications (Supertel).
The Supertel detected through routine audits and controls that in certain rates and promotions Claro did different charges to its customers. A total of 852,824 mobile lines holders have been affected, of which over 80% are still active on the network.
Furthermore, improperly charged values were detected through the promotions Best Friend, 1700-1800, rates Free Couple Minutes, 2×1 , Speak more 1 and 2 and Favorite Numbers.
With the purpose that the affected users will be compensated, Claro will make the respective refunds within 60 days. Users will be informed of the compensation via text message.