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Cocoa exporters with new policy
Posted On 19 Mar 2016
A new board for cocoa exporters
Juan Pablo Zuniga will chair the National Cacao Exporters Association (Anecacao) until 2018. The new board intends to continue with the growth of this group and generate synergies and alliances that support the entire cocoa production chain. The new board is also made by Jacinto Andrade, Ivan Ontaneda, Vincent Zeller, Julio Zambrano, Maria Elena Aguilar, Pedro Gonzalo Martinetti, Carlos Sanchez, Manuel Lopez and Daniel Manobanda.
A new drink with natural components
The Young Living Ecuador company launched to the Ecuadorian market Ningxia Red as the first fortifying and revitalizing drink with natural components. It contains essential oils high in antioxidants such as lemon, tangerine, orange and yuzu. Its “growing process is 100% organic and its essential oils are distilled from plants like oregano, lemon verbena, blue eucalyptus, rosewood, ylang ylang, and blue gold.”
Credit card for small businesses
Produbanco presented this week the Visa Small Business, a financing alternative card to meet the needs of small and medium enterprises or businesses.
Compliance with minimum paid-up capital
Coface, which provides credit insurance in Latin America, announced that in compliance with the sixteenth clause of the Monetary and Financial Code, it increased its paid up capital to $ 8’000.269,41.(I)