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Comptroller General Carlos Pólit Faggioni resigned
Posted On 21 Jun 2017
In a brief message on his Twitter account, the President of the Legislature José Serrano announced a few minutes ago that the Secretary General of the Legislature has just received the irrevocable resignation of Comptroller General Carlos Pólit.
After 19:00, Serrano said that the irrevocable resignation of Comptroller General Pólit does not alter the impeachment process. Serrano said that Pólit attached a medical certificate as a proof of his delicate health.
Pólit had to go to the political trial requested against him on the Odebrecht case.
The official has been in Miami since last May 26, when he traveled with a medical leave. Deputy Comptroller Pablo Celi is currently taking up his place.
Until a new merit-base competition is organized, Celi will remain in office, Serrano said. (I)