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Contractor of hydroelectric works claims payments for $ 122 million
Posted On 05 Jun 2017
The Delsitanisagua hydroelectric plant, one of the eight so-called flagship projects in the country, faces a further setback in its construction process, almost six years after the works began.
The China Hydroelectric Engineering Group Co. (Hydrochina Corporation), in charge of construction, has filed a complaint with the Mediation Center of the State Attorney General’s Office so that the public company Corporación Eléctrica del Ecuador (Celec EP) pays outstanding values for $ 122 ‘353,289.21, in addition, to the contractual amount.
These include extra works, arrears, refund of fines and disbursement of the value of premiums paid by a guarantee of the advance of a supplementary contract.
Celec EP revealed that it does not recognize these debts because the Chinese contractor did not comply with the procedures established for the conclusion of complementary contracts and additional works, which are included in one of the clauses of the main contract.
In this case, the National Audit Office confirms the contractual breach of Hydrochina, referred by Celec EP (I).