Dalo Bucaram Could Lose Custody of his Children

Inclusion Vice Minister, Alvaro Saenz, requested protective measures for the children of Assemblyman Dalo Bucaram
The Council on Children and Adolescents (CNA for its Spanish acronym) yesterday filed a complaint against assembly members Abdala Bucaram Pulley and Gabriela Pazmiño, and against the editor of El Universo Newspaper, Carlos Perez, for the alleged infringement of the rights of the assembly members’ children.
Last Sunday, El Universo published, with the permission of Dalo and Gabriela, two photographs of their children with President Rafael Correa at Carondelet Palace, as proof of the existence of an alleged agreement with Correa to bring former president Abdala Bucaram Ortiz back to the country.
Vice Minister of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES), Alvaro Saenz said that the Assembly and the editor of the newspaper allegedly violated the Constitution and the Code of Childhood and Adolescence by “disrespecting the rights of children associated with their image , integrity and others specific to their age, by publishing their image irresponsibly”.
Under the Code of Childhood and Adolescence, Bucaram Pulley could be removed temporarily of his children. Saenz said that although there has been parental consent for the publishing of their children’s pictures, still their rights have been violated. MZ