Day 6 in Election Campaign 2013
Lucio Gutierrez (PSP) continues his journey in radio stations
Former president and presidential candidate of the Partido Sociedad Patriotica, continued to give interviews on radios I99, Forever and Morena, in which stressed the “achievements” of his previous government, specifically referring to economic growth above 9% and the “alleged” reduction of poverty.
Gutierrez revealed that if he can get to Carondelet, his first action will be the elimination of several taxes, including the green tax and foreign output.
After the radial statements, the former president went to Ventanas in Los Rios province, where he had planned a trip door to door in the company of the candidates to the Assembly.
Alvaro Noboa (PRIAN) continues his campaign delivering microenterprises
The presidential candidate of the Partido Renovador Institucional Accion Nacional (PRIAN), Alvaro Noboa, yesterday visited the block 1 of Flor de Bastion, where he delivered a microenterprise to Mrs. Segunda Graciela Castrola, inhabitant of the sector, which included an industrial kitchen, a freezer, a cookware industry, five tables, twenty chairs, plates, cups and other utensils necessary for the creation of the restaurant “Doña Gracielita”.
“Facts, not words, politicians spend their time talking and promising, I fulfill with facts, I don’t promise jobs, I give jobs. My campaign is an example of what my government will be, “said the lawyer after his social work.
Noboa is scheduled to visit Carapungo neighborhood, north of Quito, today, in which he will help more poor families giving them opportunities to begin small business.
Nelson Zavala (PRE) gave interviews to the media and at home
The presidential candidate of the Partido Roldosista Ecuatoriano, yesterday had a busy day in which he visited several media outlets, including Teleamazonas, Enlace Ecuador and RTS. He also received other media at his home, located in the north of the city.
Zavala took advantage of his interviews to reiterate its commitment to create the Ministry of the Poor and replace the Ministry of Culture with a Ministry of the Securities, Education and Culture.
Alberto Acosta (MPD – PK) toured El Oro province
The representative of the Coordinator of the Left movement, made up of the Movimiento Popular Democratico and Pachakutik, yesterday visited the central market and part of the commercial area of Machala, the capital of El Oro province. The tour ended with the visit to the Santa Rosa and Pasaje cantons.
The candidate, in his caravan along with his supporters, criticized the current system as it ensures that “is violating the Constitution that was approved in Montecristi and those of us in the group are part of this campaign, but we want to make a difference, a difference that we Ecuadorian people defended at the polls.”
Guillermo Lasso (CREO) presented his government plan to university students in Quito
After a day of visits to media, the presidential candidate of the Movement Creando Oportunidades, Guillermo Lasso, was presented to students at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito and took the opportunity to distance himself from any political responsibility for the bank holiday and to participate in the forum “My Vote 2013”, activity conducted by the student government of the university.
The former banker, ended his day delivering, along with his supporters, bracelets with slogans like: “I believe in Solines 21 Freedom”.
Mauricio Rodas (SUMA) gave radio interviews in Cuenca and Azogues
The presidential candidate of the Sociedad Unida Mas Accion movement, Mauricio Rodas, taking advantadge of his visit in Cuenca, exposed through a radio station, his working proposal, and assured he will reach the second round and then the victory.
He then traveled to Cañar, where he toured several media from Azogues and took the opportunity to greet and promote his image along the way.
Norman Wray (Ruptura 25) campaigned on cantons of Guayas
On his second day visit to the province of Guayas, the Ruptura presidential candidate, Norman Wray, gave remarks at several radio stations, including CRE, Fuego and Atalaya. At 11:30, after the visit to the media of Guayaquil, Wray came to El Recreo and Santa Marianita sectors, at the Duran canton.
The former ruling party candidate also took advantage of his statements to the press to question the candidate Rafael Correa for using a public asset to move between cities, referring to his visit to El Triunfo, a place in which he arrived using a helicopter.
Rafael Correa (Alianza PAIS) made deals in Zamora
After 14:30, the current president and candidate for reelection, reached Zamora by land with his characteristic and extensive caravan. Upon his arrival, the candidate had a platform built outside the central market, in which he declared his government plan, especially its offer of keeping a large percentage of profits from resources resulting from mining, in Zamora Chinchipe and Morona Santiago.