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Ecuador perceived $ 336.4 million from foreign investment from January to August
Posted On 06 Oct 2014
The Superintendency of Companies and Securities stated that the country attracted investments of $ 966 million between January and August of 2014, which represents $ 151.2 millions more than in the same period of the last year.
The investment of domestic firms was of $ 612.2 million, while the foreign direct was of $ 336.4 million.
Among the activities that obtained more resources in the national companies are: trade with a $ 141.6 million, industries with a $ 116.9 million, and mining and quarrying with $ 91 million.
Foreign direct investment was destined, mostly to the industry sector with $ 119 million, mines and quarries with $ 90.2 million and to the commercial sector with $ 49.6 million.