Ecuador prepares against swine fever
In that year, Ecuador shall be declared free of classical swine fever, a disease that limits the development of this sector, which has high economic potential.
The first step will begin this month, with a nationwide vaccination campaign that will be coordinated by the Ecuadorian Agency for Agro Quality Assurance (Agrocalidad). According to Resolution 191 of this entity, brigadiers will do the vaccination process to pigs, apply an official ear tag type button to all vaccinated animals and deliver the Single Certificate of Vaccination (CUV). The collected data will be scanned into the computer system of this institution.
According to Agrocalidad, pig farming, besides being an activity of great importance due to the high consumption of this meat in Ecuador and an activity that generates jobs, “represents potential exports for Ecuador, which often has been reduced its presence because of major economic importance diseases, limiting the international livestock trade. “
Classical swine fever (CSF) is considered a highly contagious deadly disease, which affects domestic and wild pigs. If there is any suspicion of infection, the landlord must give notice to Agrocalidad. Vaccination and animal identification through the official ear tag will be a mandatory requirement for pigs to enter trade fairs.