Ecuador will receive US $ 50 million from Germany and Norway for rainforest conservation
The Minister of the Environment, Tarscio Granizo together with the holders of the Norwegian Climate and Environment State portfolios and the Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, Ola Elvestuen and Stefan Schmitz, respectively signed an agreement for the delivery of US $ 5 million dollars to carry out a project to protect 13.6 million hectares of rainforest
In the signed Agreement, Germany and Norway commit to at least US $ 50 million based on the results obtained in the reduction of deforestation. The Minister Norway acknowledged that “Ecuador has been working hard for several years to reduce deforestation. We are very happy to be allies of Ecuador to achieve these results, and to help protect one of the most precious and biodiverse forests for the future. We will not be able to achieve Paris climate goals if we do not reduce the deforestation of tropical forests. ”
The funds will be delivered through the REDD Early Movers Program (REM) operated by the German Development Bank
On the other hand, Hailstone emphasized that “for us, stopping deforestation is fundamental, because this is a multidimensional problem that is directly related to productivity and land use. This agreement is an essential element of the involvement and co-responsibility of international cooperation with developing countries that demonstrate effectiveness in the conservation of forests.
70% of the funds will be destined to productive benefits for the communities at a local level. “This alliance will help Ecuador continue working to protect its forests. Through the REM’s innovative distribution of benefits structure, it is ensured that communities and indigenous groups are an integral part of the program to strengthen the livelihoods of all those who depend on forests, “said the German Minister.
The REM program will recognize part of the reduction of emissions from deforestation in Ecuador, from 2015 to 2018. (I)