Ecuadorian Diplomats Demand a Review of Julian Assange’s Asylum
Two former foreign ministers and an ambassador of Ecuador in London, United Kingdom rejected the comment of the Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, who in an interview with CNN assured that the nation that granted him diplomatic asylum qualified as “insignificant” in the international spectrum.
Meanwhile the former foreign minister Jose Ayala Lasso pointed out that the diplomatic asylum of Assange should be reviewed after the declarations made last Wednesday. The former minister Marcelo Fernandez de Cordova suggested that it should be considered that the asylum should be removed and asks for a rectification. The former ambassador in London, Mauricio Gandara also agreed with this request.
The comment of Assange was offensive to Ecuador, country that has avoided his imprisonment and extradition to Sweden, where he faces sexual charges. The founder of Wikileaks pointed out that Ecuador is insignificant on the international field since it has nothing to do with international conflicts.
Marcelo Fernandez de Cordova pointed out that a qualification like cannot be allowed, worse yet that he said it from the same embassy. “Let’s be honest, here we have a series situation. The small things that happen in little countries are not that big of a deal (…) Ecuador is insignificant,” said Assange.