Elimination of drug chart of the CONSEP is requested
Wilson Sanchez, former Andean parliamentarian, expressed his criticism to the existence of a table for drug consumption limits developed by the CONSEP. Sanchez rejected this measure because he states, it has generated an increase in the consumption and trade of drugs and he proposes its abolition.
“The first thing to do in the fight against drugs, is to abolish the table that establishes the maximum amounts of possession and personal use of drugs made by the Consep as it has been interpreted as a rule to allow the use of drugs”, he said.
Sanchez noted that this table “overflowed the expectations the Consep may have had. Children, young people and adults seek protection to consume freely and the drug traffickers, to perform their damn business with impunity. Today it is common to see drug use in schools, colleges, parks, neighborhoods, transportation and entertainment venues”.
The former parliamentarian said it is “logical” that existing a table of allowable consumption, there must be suppliers of those substances, which would be counterproductive.