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Jorge Glas: “Everyone accuses me.”
Posted On 22 Aug 2017

Vice President Jorge Glas said Tuesday he would not leave the country, although many have invited him to do so. “I’m not going to exit the country, I´m staying here in Ecuador, facing these things,” he said.
In an interview with Sonorama radio, also broadcast on the vice presidential Facebook account, he said he had suffered media lynching for two years, trying to link him with events in which he has nothing to do. “Without a single proof (…) everyone is entitled to defend his honor.”
“Everyone accuses me,” not expressly, but my picture is every day on the newspapers covers.
Glas said Tuesday that to date there is no single evidence against him and ensures that there will not be. The Attorney General’s Office yesterday requested for the vice-president’s involvement in the Odebrecht case.
In this new procedural stage, he hopes that justice will act in law because “everyone is innocent until proven guilty.”

For Glas to be linked to the criminal investigation, the Legislature must give its consent with the vote of at least 92 of the total of the 137 legislators. The government party, Alianza PAIS, has 75 members. (I)