Jorge Glas must pay alimony of $ 4,057, equal to what he receives as a former official
The mother of the two minor children of former Vice President Jorge Glas Espinel will receive $ 4,057 per month as maintenance. This was determined by Juan Carlos Paz Mena, Judge of the Florida Judicial Unit of Family, Women, Children and Adolescents.
Glas,who has been in custody since October 2017, was sued by his wife Cinthia Díazde Glas to pass the alimony to their children of 16 and 10 years of age,respectively.
The lawsuit against Glas Espinel was filed on October 3, 2018, the day after it became known that the former official receives a lifetime pension, according to the Ministry of Labor, of $ 4,057.5 per month as former vice president.
The applicant, represented by lawyer José Fernando Rosero; and the judicial prosecutor Dr. Eduardo Franco Loor, on behalf of the defendant, accepted the judicial resolution.
Whilethe lawsuit was developing in October, the magistrate had initially set theprovisional food allowance at $ 166.48. According to the data of the Judiciary,Cinthia Díaz de Glas is satisfied with the sentence. The parties, through theirJudicial Procurators, also agree to request that the values for maintenancepayments be retained by the corresponding public body (General Secretariat ofthe Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador) so that in accordance with theprovisions of Art. 18 of the Reform Act of the Childhood and Adolescence Codeact as withholding agent, for which ample and sufficient official letter willbe sent for this collaboration, the required institution must make theconnection to the System of the beneficiary’s account. (I)