Judge´s ruling puts an “interference” on the president of the Armed Forces to debate
Until yesterday afternoon the lawyers of the military who made up a Discipline Board of the Navy had not been notified of the ruling by Judge Vanessa Wolf, that last Wednesday accepted the protective action of Rafael Correa.
Thus, she annulled the decision of not to sanction the captain Edwin Ortega for alleged disrespect to the president.
Alexis Mera, legal secretary of the Presidency, said that the action sought to “state that the president is the highest military authority and that insults towards him should be liable to punishment.”
According to Jorge Zavala, legal adviser of the officials, Wolf quashed the case against Ortega, decided that a new Council is formed and stated that the president is the highest military and hierarchical authority of the Armed Forces
In his view, everything is unconstitutional because Wolf was not the natural judge in such actions, no one can be indicted twice for the same reason and a military rank for the president can not be created.
Once notified, they plan to submit to the Provincial Court an appeal to the judge´s decision, who yesterday was questioned after Assemblyman Andrew Paez published a photo of her posing next to the former Minister Viviana Bonilla in an act of AP.