Judicial council did not comply with any evaluation parameter
The CPCCST found irregularities in the processes of selection of authorities, influence peddling, manipulation of the Satje system and illegal appointments of judges and prosecutors. The Council of Citizen Participation and Transitory Social Control (CPCCST) resolved this Monday, June 4, to cease its functions unanimously to five members of the Council.
The plenary also announced that it will grant three days to the sanctioned members so that they have the possibility, if they decide, to present challenges to the decision. The body chose the theater of the Central University to disseminate the resolution, which was filled with lawyers, trade unionists, political activists and assembly members who attended the reading of the report that began around 10:30 and lasted for almost five hours.
The document prepared by the Evaluation Technical Commission (CTE), which began its work on April 4, concluded that the members examined did not meet the five parameters analyzed. These are: legitimacy of the position, fulfillment of functions, management of public resources, transparency, and citizen evaluation; these in turn were divided into 21 indicators.
Among the observations of the examination collected in 164 pages it was detailed that the charges of Gustavo Jalkh, Ana Peralta, Rosa Jimenez, Néstor Arbito and Alejandro Subía lack legitimacy. The conclusion was based on the fact that since its appointment the members were chosen and possessed by a Participation Council that was not independent because its members had links with the Executive.
“The members of the CPCCS ceased not to fulfill the guarantee of independence that they had to prove at the time of their selection, for which reason the members of the Judicial Council did not enjoy the independence required for the exercise of their functions”, reads the report presented
They explained that the vocals did not comply with the regulations for their election. In the case Alejandro Subía, his profession of engineer contravenes the norm that indicates that the authorities must accredit the profession according to the position they are going to perform.
The plenary session determined that the body that had to ensure justice is made up of former State officials, especially of the Executive function, and created a network for linking the functions that were directed from the Presidency of the Republic.
The examination also determined that the members of the council developed contests to enter the judicial function full of irregularities. He cites as an example the appointment of the deputy prosecutor Thania Moreno.
They explained that they did not follow the regulation, because by score Paul Perez should be named from the beginning. Another irregularity was in the appointment of notaries, where according to the CPCCST, influence peddling existed, for example in Guayaquil, where the father of the director of the Council, Tomas Alvear and a cousin of former president Rafael Correa, was named as notary, without having the scores required according to the law.
“The Council did not consider the priority of qualifications designating authorities arbitrarily,” the report indicates. The review indicated that the justice entity failed to comply with the citizen evaluation parameter due to the number of complaints against (882), both locally and internationally.
In addition, the Council allowed the hacking of the computer platform, where the sentences are recorded, which made it possible, according to the text, that in certain cases where the State was involved, judicial decisions were changed. (I)
Source: https://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/politica/3/vocales-consejo-judicatura-cesados