Julian Assange: “Ecuador is insignificant”
After the ambassador of Ecuador in Great Britain, Ana Alban, reported that the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, has a lung condition that can worsen with his confinement in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, CNN decided to interview the Australian.
In the interview, Assange refused to confirm whether he had a disease, claiming that his situation was “not important” and what really mattered was the “death of democracy“.
Assange, to the questions of the interviewer Erin Burnett on alleged violations of freedom of expression in Ecuador made by the government of Rafael Correa, he replied, “Ecuador is insignificant. It is very important to me, and its people have been very generous with me, but it isn’t a major global player. ”
Burnett, when citing more about the important events taking place in the South American nation, Assange said, “I do not want to talk about tiny issues about Ecuador.” (MZ)