Labor flexibility: a model in Ecuador
Experts agree that we are moving towards an increasingly flexible labor market, where more organizations, both public and private, implement work schemes that represent a win-win relationship for employers and employees.
How will the flexible work alternative be incorporated to promote professional development and gender equality in our region? In 2016, the Ministry of Labor introduced the legislation that regulates teleworking in the private sector. Between October 2016 and January 2017, the ministry conducted a pilot plan within the institution to test the effectiveness of labor flexibility in the public sector. The results included an increase in productivity, compliance with 97% of objectives and an increase in job satisfaction.
For women, and especially mothers, labor flexibility represents significant advantages such as a greater balance between professional and family life. The Inter-American Development Bank in Ecuador supports initiatives that promote the gender equality. Lila Working Moms, the first job center in the country, is dedicated to helping professional moms and guiding those firms interested in being family responsible.