Labour flexibility is only a patch says businessman Pablo Arosemena
Before the announcement of the government to include in the new labor reform the so-called legal figure ‘partial unemployment’ for companies in difficulty, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Guayaquil, Pablo Arosemena, said this morning that this flexibility is only one patch measure because there are two problems related to employment in the country.
One of the employment problems the country is experiencing has a structural connotation (6 out of 10 people do not have a formal job), which is not resolved; and the other is temporary, where the concept of giving flexibility is positive, but he believes this is just a patch.
“No employer hires people to fire people, the business is to create value in the long term, you just accomplish that by retaining the best human talent, training, investing, and therefore it is important that labor rules are flexible,” he said.