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Labour Relations Code provides for new forms of employment
Posted On 09 May 2014
The draft Code of Labour Relations from the Executive, covers a greater number of ways of working, which is considered as necessary, according to labor experts.
The six working ways recognized in the project are:
- Home: Activities performed without payment performed at home. It contributes to the economic and social development. The right to social security is guaranteed.
- Telecommuting: Work through the use of information and communication technologies provided by the employer. If performed at home it should respect family privacy.
- Transportation: Its lenght may not exceed, including overtime, 10 daily hours and 50 hours a week. The employee is entitled to a 30 minute break every four hours of driving.
- Sexual: Provision of sexual services. It can be autonomous or subordinate. People engaged in the activity at nightclubs are entitled to owners meeting their obligations.
- Domestic: The person -resident at the employer’s home- will enjoy mandatory weekly rest of 48 consecutive hours and have the same days off and vacations entitled to the rest of cworking citizens.
- Mining: The people hired to work underground in mines or quarries shall be required to undergo a preventive medical examination and periodic medical examinations.