Marcela Aguinaga rules on the purchase of ISSFA lands
Through a press release posted on her Twitter account, Marcela Aguinaga rules on the purchase of 66 plots of land in Los Samanes citadel by the Ministry of Environment (MAE) to the the Institute of Social Security of the Armed Forces (ISSFA).
“To purchase them (the lands), a negotiation was held between public institutions, within the law framework, where no money was paid to any private person or institution. However, both the General State Attorney´s offivr and the Comptroller General are entitled to intervene in the review of this process on the basis of their constitutional competences,” the statement says.
The also director of Alianza PAIS in Guayas makes no reference to the cost of the lands. “The purchase of 66 plots of land by the MAE to the ISSFA for the construction of the Samanes Park was done for the benefit of the people of Guayaquil. For my part, as a lawyer who knows the legal process, I will keep waiting for the final report of the Comptroller and, if applicable, I will pronounce about it,” she concluded.