March rested in Saraguros and today reachs Cuenca
After resting in the Saraguro county, in Loja, the march continues its way to Cuenca, where it is expected to arrive at 17.00.
In Saraguros, the Amautas council (wise men) received the protesters with an ancient ceremony. On the way, the inhabitants of the area joined the march. Besides one of the historic leaders of the movement, Luis Macas.
The economic cooperation of the public allowed to buy 30 sweaters for the members of the Shuar group, who provide security to travelers, said the prefect of Zamora, Salvador Quishpe.
On the third day, the marchers were escorted by police. Other control operations were carried out on the Cuenca highway. General Ignacio Benitez, commander of Zone 7 of Loja, confirmed that the march is peaceful. 150 policemen took care of the security.
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