More than 2,500 procedures can be done online in Ecuador
The portal allows Ecuadorians to do more than 2,500 procedures online. This digital instrument was entirely developed by the Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society ( Mintel ).

More than 2,500 procedures can be done online in Ecuador
More than 4,000 Central Government procedures are registered on the platform , of which 2,500 are carried out online, and 1,300 appear on the website.
From January 1 to May 31, this platform registered 71,966,996 interactions.
The Mintel reported that the provinces where the page is most accessed are: Pichincha, Guayas, Azuay, Manabí, Tungurahua, El Oro, Imbabura, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Los Ríos and Loja.
The portfolio specifies that online operations allow greater agility and increase speed by 74%; They are cheaper , since their value ranges between 1.5% and 5% of what the face-to-face procedures cost.
This allows the user to save time and money , while reducing the occurrence of acts of corruption.
From June 15, will have an application ( App ), available for Android. Also from July 10 it will work for iOS.
With this App, citizens will be able to consult and follow up on their procedures in an agile and easy way.
Next August, Mintel will issue the Digital Driving License , which will have the same validity as the physical license.
This instrument will have a QR code , so that the control agents can verify its veracity online.
From September, MINTEL will also enable online payments for 39.2% of the procedures registered on the platform that have a cost.
This site is ranked 31st among the most visited in Ecuador, according to Alexa (global system that positions millions of websites in order of popularity). allows you to find the step-by-step of 4,163 procedures, which you access from a computer, cell phone or tablet, without queuing.
During the emergency, the Mintel, the governing body of the Simplification of Procedures (Executive Decree No. 982), coordinated the digitization of the procedures requested with the National Directorate of Public Data Registration (Dinardap), the
General Directorate of Civil Registry, Identification and Certification (DIGERIC), and the Internal Revenue Service (SRI).
With the Ecuador Digital public policy, it is sought that 70% of Central Government procedures be carried out or start online . (I)