Moreno questions that Correa goes to the OAS, “that so little respect he deserved”
The President of the Republic, Lenin Moreno, has regretted the lawsuit filed with the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Inter-American System, by the former president and former foreign minister of the country, Rafael Correa and Ricardo Patiño. Moreno said that the “only purpose is to harm the democratic institutionality” of Ecuador.
“It’s not only regrettable, it’s unusual!” Exclaimed Moreno on Monday, during the weekly space,The Government Reports. And he stressed that the complainants are the ones who “insulted the Inter-American System and especially the OAS, described it as useless, biased, inefficient, unreliable, insurmountable, colonialist, inconsistent, said: Inconsistent and double standards . And the people who went to these instances were described as traitors. And today – right now – they go to that same organization that has so little respect for them. ”
“Decide yourselves compatriots: Where is the coherence? the coherence with the fatherland. Where is the seriousness? Where is the moral integrity? “He questioned. He added that the Foreign Ministry has already taken the pertinent actions, “but beyond legal considerations I want to tell the OAS and the sister countries that now in Ecuador we are open. The whole world can come and see how we are deepening our democracy, how we are consolidating the institutions and how the whole country is being reconciled.” “Come, come and look at the democratic transformation we are achieving together. Come and see that our devotion is to consult the people, that our devotion is to dialogue, “he said (I)