“No early declaration of emergency was made,” said Ines Manzano about being prepared for El Niño phenomenon
In an interview with Ecuavisa, environmental lawyerInes Manzano said it is important that the public know that this phenomenon is already present and “this not only brings the sea overheating (two degrees above normal temperature), there will also be heavy swells, rise of the sea level and rains, and if the climate change is added, these effects will be exacerbated.”
Manzano stressed that the multipurpose works announced by the Government to mitigate the effects of El Nino, “are good because they will avoid certain floods, but El Niño and the rains will not only fall over Chone or throughout the Bulubulu river, it will rain at national level.”
“Nationwide, if we see, we will not be prepared. We have not made a declaration of emergency on time, as they have done in neighboring countries,” she said,
“If an early declaration of emergency was announced, things would have been done with time, as the dredging of rivers, and the Guayas River Basin will be the most affected.”