According to the Government, since the approval of the Economic Efficiency Law, 63,890 jobs have been created for young people in Ecuador.
In a day of touring, presidential campaign style, President Daniel Noboa has been to three different cantons in less than a week. On March 7 he went to Chone to review the flood containment works, and four days later he visited Portoviejo for a solemn session.
And this March 13, Noboa left Carondelet again to go to the Virgen de Fátima parish, in Yaguachi (Guayas), where he once again presented the so-called ‘Youth Employment’ project, which was now renamed “El Camellín.”
The setting was perfect: surrounded by recently hired young people and on a platform of the largest shrimp exporter, Santa Priscila, Noboa assured that youth employment has grown under his short mandate.
According to the President, this has been possible after the approval in December of the Organic Law on Economic Efficiency and Employment Generation. And he gave figures: 63,890 hires in the last two months.
“No matter how much the sufferers suffer, this is the real figure, youth employment will continue to grow in Ecuador,” added Noboa, sitting among the young people, the Minister of Labor, Ivonne Núñez and spokespersons for the shrimp company.
Even the President stated that young people already “see hope in the country, they already see an opportunity beyond going through the Darién,” in reference to the border jungle between Colombia and Panama, used for the migratory journey to the United States.
Figures from the Ministry of Labor on its web portal indicate that until February 7, more than 63,000 new youth hirings were reported.
But also, in these first two months of 2024, 83,000 people stopped working. At the national level, the unemployment rate was 3.9% until January 2024, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC).
While in Darién, more than 82,000 migrants have crossed the dangerous jungle so far in 2024, mostly Venezuelans, followed by Ecuadorians.
Of the total jobs for young people that the Government claims to have created, more than 60% correspond to jobs in Guayas and Pichincha.
And in 2024, the Santa Priscila packing plant alone hired 900 young people, between 18 and 29 years old, Noboa said in his speech.
Almost at the end of his speech, the President invited young people to train in a free tool on the Ministry of Labor portal, since “only by training will they be able to go far.”
Once the event was over, Noboa continued with his tour, this time through Jujan, an area that is still flooded after recent rains.
You can review Noboa’s complete intervention in Yaguachi in the following video: