Nosotras Emprendemos opens the way to strengthen women’s work
A recognition to women entrepreneurs, for positioning and making their work visible, was presented this Monday, March 8, by the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES), through the brand Nosotras Emprendemos.
With this initiative, those who become creditors of the brand will have preferential access to public, private and social markets, in addition to attending training workshops for free, they will be able to simplify their procedures to obtain patents, registrations or licenses, among other benefits.
In the presentation, carried out in the Zonal Government, in Guayaquil, ten women were awarded the brand; In addition, the delivery was made as a tribute to International Women’s Day.
The Minister of Economic and Social Inclusion, Vicente Taino, indicated that in addition to the benefits mentioned, they will also have the accompaniment and technical assistance to obtain complementary credits to improve their ventures.