Only the official press will be allowed to cover the installation of the new Front of Transparency
Only the official press will be authorized to cover the installation of the first working meeting of the new Transparency and Anti-Corruption Front to be attended by President Lenin Moreno, to be held at the Carondelet Palace, at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 5. The Ministry of Communication has informed it will provide the media with the film and photographic material of the meeting.
According to the official communiqué, the new Transparency Front “will act as a space in which policies and actions for the prevention of corruption in the public and private sector will be defined, and the judicial and control authorities will be called upon to prosecute and punish those involved in these corruption cases.”
The Anti-Corruption Commission, chaired by Julio Cesar Trujillo, has issued a statement in which the proposal of President Lenin Moreno is questioned, since this Front will be formed by people who, for the most part, have served as officials or have been linked to the previous government (I).