Orality comes into effect today in Ecuador for non criminal proceedings
From today orality will govern in the country for litigation in court proceedings in non-criminal matters (civil, labor, commercial, administrative litigation, tax litigation, childhood and adolescence …).
El cambio de sistema, el cual reemplaza al escrito, entra en operatividad a doce meses de que la Asamblea aprobó el Código Orgánico General de Procesos (Cogep) y en medio del debate de si existe la infraestructura necesaria o de si los operadores de justicia están preparados para la aplicación.
Some parts of the standard took effect in March 2015 like those that reform the Notarial Act so that public notaries broaden their roles.
Gustavo Jalkh, president of the Council of the Judiciary (CJ), believes that this procedural change is the most important of the republican life of the country. According to him, the judiciary is a 100% prepared for this, which is not a code change, but rather a system change, “that will definitively transform the procedural system.”