Otto Sonnenholzner: “Ecuador was a full speed train direct to Venezuela”
Vice President Otto Sonnenholzner said during a special program ” 60 minutes with Otto ” on Ecuador TV this Wednesday, January 29, 2020 that Ecuador was a ” full speed train direct to Venezuela “, as he showed that he was driving to the country in the previous government.
The second president said that the government of President Lenin Moreno changed the course of the country, used the analogy of a train to avoid suffering an economic crisis similar to the Venezuelan.
” To avoid derailment, you had to slow down ,” he explained in the dialogue. During the conversation, the recovery of freedom of expression , democracy and institutionality stood out as the most important points of Moreno’s almost three years of management. These points are values that he said could be considered “bourgeois”, but they are the basis for a just society.
One year and 10 months in government
The interview also addressed issues such as the government’s prevention campaign against the possible outbreak of the coronavirus , mortgage and land loans that are delivered nationwide, as well as basic needs such as attention to priority sectors, that is the basis of this government, ”he said.
Regarding the Ser Bachelor exam, the Vice President recalled that this 2020 is an election year , so the allegations against the test would have a political end for the presidents of 2021. However, he informed that necessary corrections were already taken, such as the percentage of the grade of the evaluation that decreased from 90% to 60% in the student average.
“I personally think that is incomplete. We have to go to a test that has more real logic with what is done in school, ”said future changes that arise.
Home savings
Sonnenholzner’s position is to keep savings in certain processes to avoid an exaggerated expense. The second President said he found in the Vice Presidency when he assumed that role. “ There were 50 vehicles , we were left with 12. We dropped from 220 staff to 110 . When I travel abroad I do it taking care of every penny that is not mine, I travel by commercial flight, ”he said.
However, given the expenditure of 2.4 million dollars paid by the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES) for an ice circus , the Vice President defended the initiative and argued that 800,000 people watched a show never before and with a message focused on the values.
Sonnenholzner ended with a message to Ecuadorians not to fall into fake news , or fake news circulating on social networks. He also reiterated that he is not a politician, but a common citizen who serves his country. He added that in this year of management in the administration of Moreno has worked to be “useful” to solve the problems of the population.