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Pachamama Foundation presented a new legal resource
Posted On 17 Apr 2014

The Foundation Pachamama – whose registration was cancelled by a resolution of the Ministry of environment- presented last Tuesday an action of protection before a regular judge of Quito to try to recover its legal status.
Mario Melo, legal counsel for the Foundation, insisted that the dissolution, “was without prior notice, without due process, without the right to defence, and based on unproven allegations”, according to a statement.
The Organization was dissolved on December 4, 2013. Its members were accused of taking part in a protest against the XI oil company round in which the Ambassador of Chile, in Ecuador, and a Belarusian businessman were attacked.
In addition, the organization is also acused of interfering in public policies and attacking the internal security of the State. The Foundation appealed to the Ministry, but the appeal was denied.