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President Correa warned Twitter users that comment out against the government
Posted On 06 Jan 2016

Image: Expreso
Two works were inaugurated yesterday by President Rafael Correa during his tour in the province of Los Rios, which is the first of 2016, nine days before he fulfills nine years in office.
The first inaugurated work was section II of the Quevedo beltway, 25.6 kilometers long, and the second, the Brisas del Rio housing project, where families living in risk areas were resettled.
In both places, the president attacked opposition politicians, that he said, criticize the “excessive government spending.”
In his opening speech of the Quevedo beltway, the president took the opportunity to ensure that during his government 8,700 kilometers of roads have been repaired, which has meant an investment of 8,840 million dollars, 500 of them Los Rios province.
Correa also questioned “the politicians” who never did anything to benefit the people, but did use the state money for “sucretization” (currency substitution) and bank bailouts.
“Public spending is you, your family, let us not be deceived fellows,” said Correa, who later toured and inaugurated the resettlement of houses in Babahoyo, which has been named Brisas del Rio.
By late afternoon, the president held a discussion table with the media in Los Rios capital, wherein he said that the government of the citizen’s revolution has given housing for 350,000 families, much more than in the previous administrations combined.
There, when asked about the campaign of the chambers of commerce in social networks on “no new taxes,” he said that these “are a branch office of (Guillermo) Lasso (leader of the political movement CREO) and warned that each twitterer that support this campaign shall present their tax return.
The president also questioned the employers that, he said, used to evade taxes, but that’s over in his government. He even challenged them to return to the previous system.
With regard to the global economic scenario, he said that the country is prepared to face the various overcoming scenarios and the country’s growth prospects are 1%.