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President Rafael Correa proposes to analyze ‘high dependency’ of GAD´s
Posted On 20 Mar 2016
The high economic dependency of autonomous governments (GAD) of the country is a “fundamental problem” that according to President Rafael Correa, has not yet been discussed and must be solved to achieve structural changes.
Thus the president mentioned them yesterday in his weekly address No. 467, broadcast from the municipal stadium of the Limon Indanza county, in the province of Morona Santiago.
According to figures presented by the president, on average, in the case of municipal GAD´s, their budgets have a 15% of own revenues and 85% are government allocations. This would be the highest participation of a Central Government in Latin America, said the president.
Correa hopes that this topic is addressed this year, as he believes that the capacity of local governments to generate income must improve soon.(I)