Prosecutor acused three out of four arrested people because of the diplomatic suitcase case.
Pichincha´s Sixth Penal Court processed the preliminary audience for the judgment against four people who were arrested for sending liquid cocaine to Italy through the Chancellery, in 2012.
Yesterday, just minutes before 9:00, a group of correctional agents guided two of the four suspects from a van of the State to the juridical offices of Carcelén, a town in the north of Quito (the other two are arrested in Guayaquil)
In the capital, the detained people hear the theory that the Prosecutor has about the suitcase´s contamination. The first announcement was given in the midday: fiscal Iván Ron didn´t accused Vidal C. The argument was that he didn´t found “enough elements” that could link him with the delivery of 13 kilos of drug.