Prosecutors office filed accusation for embezzlement against Fernando Alvarado

TheAttorney General of Ecuador reported today that it presented a privateaccusation for embezzlement (misuse of public money) against Fernando Alvarado, former National Secretary of Communication during the Government of Rafael Correa.
In a statement, the Attorney General explained that the accusation was filed on Friday against six other former officials of the Communication Department and against two people who worked in private communication companies, some of them in pretrial detention for 18 days.
Thisaccusation, presented to Judge Sylvia Sánchez, was made by the AttorneyGeneral’s Office after studying a report from the Comptroller’s Office where”indications of criminal responsibility” are determined afteranalyzing the expenses generated and hiring processes carried out by theNational Communication Secretariat, said in the writing.
The aforementioned expenses and processes have to do with the execution, production and assembly of citizen links carried out in different parts of the country, between June 1, 2013 and May 24, 2017, detailed the note of the Attorney General.
TheComptroller’s report was sent to the State Prosecutor’s Office and subsequentlybrought to the attention of the Procurator’s Office.
Afteran analysis of the Comptroller’s report and the investigation of the Office ofthe Prosecutor, the Attorney General’s Office considered that through anagreement and two contracts “the Ecuadorian State has been injured for atotal amount of 283,360 dollars”, indicates in the written.
And headds that the Attorney General is now waiting for the judge of the NationalCourt of Justice to determine the date and time for the signature of the StateAttorney General, Íñigo Salvador, who signed the accusation.
On October 24, the National Court of Justice Judge Sylvia Sanchez ordered thepreventive detention of Fernando Alvarado, and asked Interpol to issue a redalert for its location and capture for extradition purposes.
Lastmonth, the former Secretary of Communications stripped the electronic shacklehe had been wearing since August and ran away.In a video broadcast from the undergroundshortly after his escape, Alvarado reported that he was the victim of a”political persecution” and justified his flight because he felt hehad no chance of defending himself in a fair trial. (I)