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Rafael Correa secures state protection for himself
Posted On 04 May 2017
President Rafael Correa will sign an executive decree that grants him protection for a year or more, depending on the risk to which he is exposed. This is because the safety of senior officials is “a strategic objective of the State.”
Executive Decree 1369 states: “Providing protection and security to the former presidents and vice-presidents of the Republic, their spouses and children, for periods of one year or six months, respectively, the terms that may be shortened or extended on the basis of the risk report that shall be submitted for this purpose.”
This new provisions reformed decree 418, issued in 2010, which does not contemplate state security for the “former presidents,” nor sets deadlines to provide this protection that is in charge of the Presidential Protection Service, made up of staff members of the Armed Forces and the Police.
Source: http://www.eluniverso.