Rice producers threatened by the “sogata” disease
Large part of rice crops are threatened by the attack of the ‘sogata’ disease, a virus that reduces production up to a 50%.
Heitel Lozano, president of the National Corporation Rice Farmers (Corpoarroz), raised the alarm to Daily Expreso: the yellowing of the plants is affecting the zones of St. Lucia, Daule, Babahoyo, Samborondon, Palestina, Nobol and other areas in the provinces of Guayas and Los Rios.
During the rainy season growers use varieties that do not scale, but those, precisely, are the most susceptible to the attack of this disease.
“There are some (varieties) such as the FL-011 which is resistant but Iniap 14 and 15, which are the most widely sown, are moderately resistant; with these weather problems they begin to be very susceptible to the attack; we are already experiencing this in the field,” said Lozano.
This is a major problem, because if there is a scientific work that allows the country to to renew the materials faster, the reduction will affect productivity and, therefore, the economy of the countryside and the city, since rice is the most consumed product in the country.
Source: http://expreso.ec/expreso/plantillas/nota.aspx?idart=8731142&idcat=38269&tipo=2