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Social Groups call for regulation on TV and radio programs
Posted On 17 Apr 2014
Representatives of different social groups gathered from 17:00 last Tuesday, on the premises of the GLBTI Organization (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex), silhouette X, to read out a legal complaint against the economic, racial, and gender discrimination in certain comedy shows by which they are supposedly victims.
These organizations provide to present the document to the Superintendency of communication (Supercom). The complaint is based on two studies: one carried out by the collective Gamma (2007) and the other by the Ombudsman Office (2012).
Representatives of organizations such as the Public Services Citizen Observatory, Diverso Ecuador, Equity and Women from Azuay received from María José Fernández, Zone Coordinator of the Ombudsman Office, the guidelines for the submission of the order to the Supercom.
Those present at the meeting also agreed that the revision of TV shows contents, should also be applied to radio.
For his part, César Cárdenas, from the Citizen Observatory, finds suitable to engage in dialogue tables between producers, scriptwriters, actors and sectors that feel affected, to agree on the “best way” to deal with minorities.