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Sylka Sanchez: “We are not seeking politicians but entrepreneurs.”
Posted On 25 Oct 2016
What actions will you implement to recover the space lost by the extinct Prian, now called Adelante Ecuatoriano Adelante party in the province of Guayas?
As a political party, we are looking for the best candidates. We are looking for business people who want a change and the renovation for Ecuador. Unfortunately, at this time there are no jobs because the economy is not reactivated. We do not want the same politicians of always that change their political ideas and seek their interests. We want entrepreneurs who do want a change for Ecuador.
What bad experiences you had with politicians because now you do not want them in the party?
It is known that there were many betrayals in our party. God will take charge of that. We want to move forward. It has been serious what has happened in the country the last ten years. Micro trafficking abounds, there´s a lot of drugs in schools. Harsh laws have not been applied. There is no work, and young people can not study. It is a horrific breeding ground. They can not go to college because it is supposedly free. No education, plenty of drugs and no work. Our generation is the victim of what happens in the country.
What candidates have you considered in Guayas for the list of district assembly members?
We are looking at some names and we will make a voting and will present them next Saturday when the convention is retaken.
Are you on that list?
I do not know. I am interested in working for the party, be a party´s worker. My interest is not a candidacy, but rather being where the party considers I am useful and to seek that change for Ecuador.
What is the profile sought by the party for Alvaro Noboa´s partner in the presidential binomial?
We have several conversations with different people, and we are looking for business people. We do not want politicians. We want entrepreneurs.
Immediately after the end of the conversation, she goes back to the right hand of Noboa. She introduces him a leader of Manabi. She instructs her on how to collect 500,000 signatures before the election. Both attempt to dialogue amid the tumult of interviews, photos and shouts of “Noboa president.”
Interview taken from Daily Expreso: http://expreso.