The Assembly pays $ 3 million a month in salaries, the payroll totals 1 236 employees
The 2016 budget estimate of the Council on Legislative Administration (CAL) delivered to the Ministry of Finance totaled $ 115 million, however, its proposal was reduced to half. This reduction means that 73.5% of the total resources assigned to the Assembly would be used to pay its civil servants.
In September this year 1236 employees distributed in 212 units were recorded and meant a payment of USD 3.2 million that month, including the proportional of the extra annual bonuses and overtime.
For 2015, the Assembly had an initial budget of $ 68.6 million, but during the year it has had additional assignments and until September the budget rose to 86.7 million (encoded), according to the Finance department. Employee costs totaled USD 35 million, according to the register of the Assembly. Ie, rit epresents 51% of the initial budget and 40.3% of the encoded.
The strongest payment corresponds to the wages of 137 Assembly members, -which already had a 17% reduction last March and remained at USD 5009 per legislator every month (without including annual bonuses and other incomes) – and their support team.