The National Union of Journalists alert on the withdrawal of their frequency
Due to a debt of $ 100.80 which is attributed as unpaid in 2003, the National Union of Journalists (UNP for its Spanish acronym) announced yesterday that it was notified by the Agency for Regulation and Control of Telecommunications (Arcotel) about the unilateral and early termination of the frequency concession 820 kHz in AM, used by the Union Radio Station, of this association, that airs in Quito since 1981.
The arguments of Conatel, and ratified by the Arcotel, are that the lease rate of frequency corresponding to nine months of 2002 have not been paid for twelve years. UNP President Vicente Ordonez said he was never notified of that value in arrears, during the six years he leads the institution; and he believes that this is a retaliation.