The New Energy of the Empire State Building
The 2.85 million square-foot office building will purchase 100% wind power in a two-year contract amounting to nearly 55 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of renewable energy each year. The energy plan will avoid nearly 100 million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions per year, and it establishes the Empire State Building as New York City’s largest commercial purchaser of 100% renewable energy.
“Clean energy and our nearly 40% reduced consumption of watts and BTUs give us a competitive advantage; attracting the best credit tenants. Our program of innovation at the Empire State Building shows the simple that is being more energy efficient, cleaner and greener,” said Anthony E. Malkin, president of Malkin Holdings.
Altogether, the Empire State Building is expected to reduce energy use by up to 38 percent, cut energy costs by $4.4 million annually, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 105,000 metric tons over the next 15 years according the building website.