The payment of the family protection bond for the health emergency began
This Wednesday, April 1, the delivery of economic aid began for people who cannot afford their expenses during the country’s health crisis . This occurs in compliance with the Government’s decision to financially support low-income families in their basic expenses.
The Family Protection Bond for Emergencies began to be paid through the financial system and credit unions . There are 10,500 service points throughout the country.
In BanEcuador the payment will be made at the windows, from Monday to Friday, from 07:30 to 12:00; while through BANRED ATMs , the service is permanently operational.
To avoid crowds, the payment of the Bonus will be subject to a calendar , according to the last number of the identity card of the beneficiaries. For example, those whose identity document ends in 1 will have April 1, 11 and 21 to approach the nearest authorized points and receive the bonus.
Beneficiaries whose ID ends in 2 will be able to collect on April 2, 22 and 22. So on until you reach the digit 0.
Earlier Iván Granda, head of the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES), indicated that an alarming increase in false calls had been detected at the call center 1800 002 002 , which serves to provide bonus information. Hence, he called for citizen responsibility . “These practices prevent us from continuing to help those who really need it,” he said.
Until April 30, the 400,000 beneficiary families are expected to receive the voucher. These have already been notified through an SMS message to your contact cell phone .
This financial support of $ 60 , in the months of April and May due to the health crisis that the country is going through, is aimed at families who are underemployed and whose family income is less than $ 400 per month .
The vast majority of beneficiaries are self-employed workers who are engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry, construction, services, domestic workers, sales, neighborhood stores, street food sales, bakery and pastry, among other vulnerable activities affected by the emergency.