The “VII Macrorrueda” closed with expectations of reaching USD 304.5 million in sales
The seventh edition of the Business Macrorrueda of Pro Ecuador exceeded the goal by reaching USD 304.5 million in sales estimates, the promoter said.
The event brought together more than 600 exporters belonging to the 18 productive sectors of the exportable supply and 180 buyers from more than 27 countries. They kept 5 200 commercial appointments.
Roberto Intriago, Executive Director of Pro Ecuador, reported that they highlighted sectors such as non-traditional fruits, an area that generated USD 15.7 million of sales expectations; the forester, with USD 6.5 million; and handicrafts, with USD 393 000.
Among the buyers countries that most demanded Ecuadorian products are Argentina, Brazil, the United States, France and China.
Parallel to the Macrorrueda, buyers visited several companies in Santa Elena, Manabí, Azuay, El Oro, Tena, Los Ríos, Morona Santiago and Tungurahua, which allowed them to learn about the different processes of production and quality applied.
According to Intriago, in the seven editions of this event, more than 3 500 Ecuadorian exporters have benefited and the development of an “increasingly innovative, competitive and diverse exportable offer that has caught the attention of international markets and markets has been promoted more demanding consumers “. (I)