In different parts of our country, the options for naming something are not always what we find in the common dictionary. Over the years, Ecuadorians have created or modified words to refer to something or someone.

These expressions also vary depending on the region of the country in which we are.

These expressions also vary depending on the region of the country in which we are. Some are so common that, for example, in Cuenca there is even a dictionary with a long list of them, such as ‘gara’ (cute) or ‘chendo’ (lie).

Here are some expressions and typical words of the Coast and the Sierra of our country:


  • Elé, así han de venir: Expression that is used mostly in the Sierra to express the happiness of seeing one or more people again.
  • Qué shunsho ese man: Use of three different languages ​​in one sentence. Shunsho: Quichua word to refer to a person who is not very intelligent or who makes obvious mistakes. Man: man in English. The grammatical connections are in Spanish and the complete sentence means: how wrong that man or how wrong that man is (in what he thinks or believes).
  • ¿Qué es de vos ?: Question used to find out how the other person is, about whom it was not known for a long time. Example: What is yours?, to the times that I see you.
  • Carne de perro: Phrase that designates something that is very durable and resistant. Example: These shoes came out like dog meat.
  • Lindo longo: Phrase with which admiration is expressed before some good performance or the good qualities of someone.
  • Bien papeado: Well fed.
  • Está cayendo un chincho de agua: it refers to the presence of rain with a large amount of water. Used mainly on the coast.
  • Seco de palizada: Some would imagine the dragging of sticks in a river, but this expression refers to a plate of rice or broth with chicken prey such as rump, wing, liver, etc. “Godmother, give me a palizada dry” is an expression that can be heard commonly anywhere in any corner of Manabí mainly.

Words (Sierra)

  • Tereques: Things or material goods of a house or a place.
  • Maltón: The one that is not very small in size; but he has not reached the final size either, a grown teenager.
  • Chimbo: When something is considered of poor quality.
  • Ñarra: That something or someone is very small, refers especially to children.
  • Naple: Something true, true, full investment. It is used in many areas of Ecuador.
  • Amagoso: That cheats or cheats.

Words (Coast)

  • Quedito: Quedito is the request, regularly made to a child or young person to keep quiet or not make noise while adults are talking or in a meeting.
  • Tranca: It is a wooden or iron object that people place so that a door or access is completely closed or secured.
  • Asúntate: When someone calls the attention of another person who is distracted from their work or any other activity. It is a request that you pay attention.
  • Guácharo: It refers to a person who lives alone or has no family around him.
  • Arrejuntarse: When two people decide to live together, without the need for them to marry by civil or ecclesiastical means. It also refers to when two people in a meeting want to be together undisturbed.
  • Jachudo: It is said of a surly person, who does not pay attention or is simply rebellious when receiving an indication, and who does not obey when a recommendation is given. (I)