Unions in favor of a new Labour Code
During the third national convention of the Frente Unitario de Trabajadores (FUT) conducted last Saturday in Guayaquil, nearly 800 representatives of workers and social organizations, defended the existence of a new Labour Code and rejected the claim of the government of making specific changes to the current code in force, action which they described as “patch measures.”
Moreover, in the event it was announced that on November 20 there will be a national mobilization in rejection of the “attitudes of the Executive” before a supposed social repression and persecution of leaders.
Mesías Tatamuez, president of the Confederacion Ecuatoriana de Organizaciones Clasistas Unitaria de Trabajadores (Cedocut), criticized the government for not having considered the proposal presented in 2012. “It is not true when they say we do not want a code,” he added.
“We want to improve job security, we want an improve on retirement and eviction, we want collective bargaining, freedom of association,” he said.