US Election: Obama Accuses Romney of Slashing Education Funds
In a recent speech, the United States president Barack Obama mocked Mitt Romney his multimillionaire opponent as a rich man who has little concept of ordinary families that struggle to put their children through university.

Mitt Romney plans to cut education budget
Obama said that he and his wife Michelle had not paid off their own students debts until eight years ago. The speech was given to a crowd of university students in Ohio, where Romney had, in a previous event, advised an audience member to “borrow Money from your parents” if he wanted to start a business or go to college.
During the speech of Romney in which he was booed by students, Obama added “And when a high school student in Youngstown (Ohio) asked what he was going to do to make college more affordable for families like his. Romney didn’t say anything about grants or loan programs, he said, ‘the best thing you can do is shop around’.
To this statement Obama only said that not everybody has parents with money to lend. The president added that the Republican plans to cut education budgets by up to 20 per cent, causing a million students to lose scholarships and 10 million more to see cuts in their financial aid. AV