
Vice President Glas says ambassador Namm should not comment

The vice president, in charge of the Presidency while the current, Rafael Correa, attends to see his daughter’s participation in the Bolivarian Games of Peru, noted in Saturday’s broadcast , that the U.S. ambassador violates the Vienna Convention with his statements. He...
Posted On 24 Nov 2013
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Nuclear agreement between Iran and six developed countries

This is an agreement to limit Tehran’s atomic ambitions in exchange for reduced penalties. United States, France, Germany, UK, China and Russia closed the deal yesterday in Geneva, as confirmed by the Foreign Minister of Iran, Mohammad Javad Zarif, on his Twitter account...
Posted On 24 Nov 2013
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Ecuador still third in the Bolivarian Games in Peru

The national delegation won medals in swimming, climbing, wrestling, cycling and netball, which maintains its level and third place in the competition, after Colombia and Venezuela. Until Saturday, Ecuador had 42 gold medals. The fighter Lissette Antes won the gold medal in the...
Posted On 24 Nov 2013
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