Employers ask to respect the democratic order
“Maintaining the strong unit conviction of the sector with regards to defense and promotion of fundamental principles such as the primacy of the rule of law, free enterprise, private property, regulatory stability, freedom of expression and maintenance of the democratic order” is one of the points of the declaration that resolved the country’s business leaders for their support to the democratic order.
Patricio Alarcón, president of the Quito Chamber of Commerce, noted they emphasize the need to generate a “strong signal” of confidence through the public and formal commitment of President Rafael Correa of not insisting on treating the bills on inheritance and capital gains, which have already been removed from the legislature.
Propose a healthy debate on issues of productive efficiency that solve the problems of equity and social justice, in which the business sector is willing to contribute.
They argue that private investment should be based on the proposals of 37 points this sector presented last March 2 to the Government.
Fuente: http://www.telegrafo.com.ec/politica/item/los-empresarios-piden-respetar-el-orden-democratico.html
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