Farmers recover the production of Arabica coffee
89 000 farmers have benefited from the Reactivation Project of Coffee and Fine or Flavor National Cocoa, which aims that Ecuador regains its title of fifth largest producer of arabica coffee.
Manabi coffee growers have received Arabica coffee seeds imported from Brazil, provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries (MAGAP), and are currently receiving technical assistance to grow coffee.
270 experts from the Ministry are specialized in coffee cultivation and work in all the provinces to support 89 031 farmers who are beneficiaries of the project.
MAGAP imported from Brazil 85 metric tons of arabica coffee of high productivity and tolerant to the rust fungus, cause for which they stopped growing coffee.
During the last year and so far this year, about 3,889 farmers of Manabi have benefited from actions taken by the MAGAP, with the aim of substituting imports of robusta coffee in the country, and increase exports of arabica coffee.